Our Story
Created for my brother when I knew he didn't want to hear me say "i'm reading this really good self-help book and they say you should..." again. It happened too much.
I would read the books, do the work and notice the changes. Small and incremental but drastic and monumental. My life was never the same again.
Once I discovered how powerful my mind and internal dialogue was in everything I did, and everything I believed about myself, I changed forever. My social anxiety dwindled, my confidence grew, and I became my very own best friend. Fiercely protective of my own little soul, never compromising her joy for someone elses.
And all I wanted to do, was share what I had learnt. But in a non know-it-all, "have you read this book, well you should, no really you should" way. I wanted to change the dialogue in my brothers head to one of acceptance, and kindness and love. I wanted him to become resilient, boundaried and fiercely protective of his little soul. I wanted him to fall in love with himself again. I needed it more than anything.
And so, Repeat These Words was born. 50 Therapy Cards curated from years of research, self-help readings, and doing the work.
I don't think I have ever told my brother that. I just created the product, and gave to him as a "I think you'd like this, it's my new love project" present. Praying that These Words would heal him like they did me, with him never really knowing, this was all created for him.
And now for you.